November 13, 2023

Fall Family Birthdays, by Jammy

In light of this beautiful and festive season, I wanted to share a delightful work by my favorite poet: my daughter.  Sure, there is a hint of nepotism here, but isn't like you're paying to read anything we write at The Surly Bookworm.  So swallow that complaint.

Known here by her nom de plume, Jammy is quite a prolific writer.  She produces original poems, essays, short stories, and comics by the dozens, and has done so since she could speak.  What can I say?  This apple didn't fall far.  (Awww, all the hearts!!!)  She has actively chosen here to incorporate repetition, free verse, and onomatopoeia.

Without further introduction, please enjoy

by Jammy

September, October, November,
it spells the word

September, October, November,
it spells the word

My brother's in October,

My grampa's in September,

My dad's in November.

Me, my mom, dad, and brother
drive to [my home town],

To celebrate their birthdays,
Vroom, vroom, vroom.